Stay Updated with the Current Updates on Epidemiology and Public Health


Epidemiology is the study (scientific, systematic, and data-driven) of the distribution (frequency, pattern) and determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states and events (not just diseases) in specified populations (neighborhood, school, city, state, country, global).

To hear, learn and explore the latest research involved in the field of epidemiology and public Health attend the "International conference on Epidemiology and Public Health" on May 18-19, 2023 in Rome, Italy. At this epidemiology Conference, learn about the newest trends and difficulties in the broad domains of epidemiology and public health, and take advantage of everything the worldwide conference has to offer. 

The Two days conference includes workshops, symposiums, special keynote sessions conducted by eminent and renowned speakers who excel in the field of Epidemiology which include: methodological innovations, addressing public health problems throughout the world using epidemiology, big data, data science and linked data, precision prevention and screening, causal thinking in epidemiology, new advances in study designs, innovations in data collection and measurement, such as wearable technologies, new technology and methodology for participant recruitment and retention, evidence based medicine/clinical practice, evidence informed health policy, epidemics and other global health emergencies, social epidemiology and inequities, genetic and molecular epidemiology, climate change, patient and public involvement in epidemiology studies.

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