Give your talk on Hydro Energy session at Green Energy 2023 Conference


About Hydro energy

Hydro energy or hydroelectric power is a renewable source of energy that generates power by using a dam or diversion structure to alter the natural flow of a river or other body of water.

Trends in Hydro Energy

Trending topics in hydro plants are Modern trends in hydroelectric power represent micro-hydropower and the digitalisation of hydropower operation.  Hydro generators with current-controlled rotors and novel concepts in hydroelectric energy storage. Modernizing existing hydropower infrastructure could increase efficiency and recoup some drought-related losses, as well as ensure that plants are able to operate for many decades to come. Between now and 2030, $127 billion will be spent on modernizing old plants globally.

Market Analysis of Hydro Energy

In 2022 global hydropower generation decreased by 15 TWh (down 0.4%) to 4 327 TWh. The drop in generation was caused by persistent droughts in hydropower-rich countries such as Brazil, the United States, Turkey, China, India and Canada, leading to lower than usual hydro capacity utilisation. The global small hydropower market size was valued at USD 2.07 billion in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.8% from 2022 to 2030. Strong growth in the use of renewable sources for energy production is likely to propel market growth over the coming years.

About Green Energy 2023

Green Energy is an important source for power generation and we can use these resources repeatedly. The main goal of the green energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air pollution.  Longdom Conferences extends immense pleasure in inviting you to join the 3rd International Conference on Green Energy and Environment. These Green Energy Conferences and Environment Meetings will be focusing on the theme "Energy Revolution for Sustainable Future". Through this conference, learn about the newest trends and researches for further development of green energy and inspiration for upcoming  scientists, students, academicians and business delegates for taking the technological aspects related to this topic to next level.

Scientific Sessions

  • Solar Energy
  • Wind Energy
  • Bioenergy
  • Hydro Energy
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Sustainable Energy and Developments

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